currently – black


currently snowing: again! who knows, given that it’s march, this could be the last hurrah of the season. regardless, i’ll savor it while i can and enjoy another afternoon of snowman building. per request, a mama and baby snowman to be exact.

currently weaving: on a big girl loom with beautiful yarns opposed to elastic neon bands, which i’ll never deny for sparking this love affair. ladies this is where it’s at. i’ve started small and have big plans. to say the least, this cathartic craft has satisfied my itch. for now anyways.

currently boxing: logan first two years. i figure it’s best to get on it while she’s still itty bitty in the grand scheme of things. i have a box for each year with printed pictures, photo books, cards, art projects, sentimental chotskies, etc. you name it, i saved it. whether it’s more for myself than her is questionable, however i’d like to think she’ll appreciate the memories one day.

currently stepping out: into society past dark on a more frequent basis (thanks to eager grandparents). whether it be mid or week end, alone or with friends, it feels good to taste a bit of night life beyond our living room walls. and it’s been especially nice to catch up with friends without any distractions. the only downfall, once i’m out i never look back and hitting the pillow hard come two am isn’t the same as it used to be.

currently scheming: this years travel. there are thoughts of vacationing with friends, with family, alone as three and possibly even skipping the country as two. we’re dreaming big with high hopes, however anything adventuresome in the near future sounds nice right about now. did i mention it’s snowing again!

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